
Having emerged from building control centre tech for the oil & gas industry, Cyviz has established itself as a leading global provider of ‘room’ tech from special forces command centres to control centres for city transport to flash meeting rooms. 

It has established a global network of offices supporting a diverse set of customers. As a result it is a global but lean organisation. It relies on partners to deliver in some markets. All this means relatively low awareness of the Cyviz brand and a reliance on SEO and the website to do much of the marketing’s heavy lifting. 

The company had reached an inflection point, needing to elevate itself above a new wave of pandemic driven competition from ‘good enough’ room tech from familiar names such as Microsoft and Zoom. To do this, the company needed to rework its window to the world - the Cyviz website and reinvigorate the design language that informs it. 

Website currently in development (Nov 22).

Tayburn, 2022


Goodmans Fields


Toshiba Tec